Friday, February 28, 2014

Social Networking Sites and Professional Development

Recently I joined a social networking site for EFL teachers called EFL Classroom 2.0. I was amazed by the variety of resources available on the website. There are forums for hosting discussions with other members and blogs to follow with updates on teaching resources. In addition in your personal profile you can include a link to your own professional blog. Also, there are thousands of links to videos, there are links to educational games, to e-readers and even to some of the resources we have been exploring in our class such as Voicethread.

I am really excited to explore more of these resources and materials. For instance there is a whole page of resources just for phonics as well as a page with materials such as flashcards and worksheets. What I also like about the site is that it is international. This is important to me as a future EFL teacher who intends to teach outside the US. I would like to have access to different resources and have the opportunity to network with teachers who are working abroad.

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